ジョン・アンブローズ・フレミング卿(Sir John Ambrose Fleming, 1849~1945年)は、英国の物理学者、電気技術者です。1904年に世界で初めて真空管を開発に成功したことで知られ、「電子工学の父」とも呼ばれています。また、物理学で学ぶフレミングの左手の法則および右手の法則を考案した科学者でもあります。フレミングは会衆派教会の牧師の家庭に生まれ、熱心なクリスチャンでもありました。
> 進化論を批判進化論を批判
フレミングは進化論に反対する論陣を張ったことでも知られ、1932年に「進化論抗議運動(Evolution Protest Movement)」を法律家・鳥類学者のダグラス・デュワーと共同創設し、初代会長となっています。この団体は1980年に「創造科学運動(Creation Science Movement)」に改名されています。
“Organic Evolution is not an ascertained scientific truth fully established by facts but is a philosophy…without regard to the absence of any rigorous proof.”1
After giving several historical examples, Fleming noted that in physics, even one fact can force revision or falsification of a theory. Fleming then lists numerous examples of evolution’s failures, such as the unbridgeable gap between living and non-living matter or between the cell and organic compounds such as methane. His argument in this area, although strong then, is far stronger today.2
また、進化論に反対する『The Origin of Mankind: Viewed from the Standpoint of Revelation and Research(人類の起源:啓示と研究の観点から)』という書籍を刊行し、次のように語っています。
“Whatever may be the effect on the religious opinions of adults or scientific men of an adherence to this evolutionary theory of human origin, it is unquestionable that it is disastrous to the ethical development or spiritual life of the young or uneducated to lead them to believe that ‘men are descended from monkeys’; or that ‘the chimpanzee or gorilla are man’s nearest relatives’3
> 説教者フレミング説教者フレミング
No one could now issue a biography of Queen Victoria, who died thirty-one years ago, full of anecdotes which were quite untrue. They would be contradicted at once. They would certainly not be generally accepted and passed on as true. Hence, there is a great improbability that the account of the resurrection given by Mark, which agrees substantially with that given in the other Gospels, is a pure invention. This mythical theory has had to be abandoned because it will not bear close scrutiny…4
> 聖書について聖書について
There is abundant evidence that the Bible, though written by men, is not the product of the human mind. By countless multitudes it has always been revered as a communication to us from the Creator of the Universe.5
We must not build on the sands of an uncertain and everchanging science … but upon the rock of inspired Scriptures.
24 ですから、わたしのこれらのことばを聞いて、それを行う者はみな、岩の上に自分の家を建てた賢い人にたとえることができます。 25 雨が降って洪水が押し寄せ、風が吹いてその家を襲っても、家は倒れませんでした。岩の上に土台が据えられていたからです。
26 また、わたしのこれらのことばを聞いて、それを行わない者はみな、砂の上に自分の家を建てた愚かな人にたとえることができます。
> 参考資料参考資料
- Jerry Bergman, “Sir Ambrose Fleming: Father of Modern Electronics,” Institute of Creation Research
- Effie Munday, “Sir Ambrose Fleming (1849–1945),” Creation.com
- Henry M. Morris, Men of Science, Men of God (Master Books, 1988) Kindle版
> 脚注脚注
Fleming, A. 1938. The Intersecting Spheres of Religion and Science, Pembridge, Villas: Christian Press, 42. ↩
Jerry Bergman, “Sir Ambrose Fleming: Father of Modern Electronics,” Institute of Creation Research ↩
Effie Munday, “Sir Ambrose Fleming (1849–1945),” Creation.com ↩
Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, eBook: Historical Evidences for the Christian Faith (Thomas Nelson), pp.189-190. Kindle 版. ↩
Ann Lamont, 21 Great Scientists who believed the Bible (Creation Science Foundation, 1995), p.217 ↩