フランシス・ベーコン(Francis Bacon、1561~1626年)は、英国の大法官(最高裁判所長官)となった法律家、政治家、哲学者です。
> 聖書を信じる信仰者聖書を信じる信仰者
There are two books laid before us to study, to prevent our falling into error; first, the volume of the Scripture, which reveals the will of God; then the volume of the Creatures, which express His power. 1
> 有名な言葉有名な言葉
a little Philosophy inclineth Man’s Mind to Atheism; But depth in Philosophy, bringeth Men’s Minds about to Religion. 2
1757年には、スコットランドの哲学者デイビッド・ヒューム(David Hume)が、著書『The Natural History of Religion』で、このベーコンの言葉を引用して次のように語っています。
A little philosophy, says my Lord Bacon, makes men atheists: A great deal reconciles them to religion. For men, being taught, by superstitious prejudices, to lay the stress on a wrong place; when that fails them, and they discover, by a little reflection, that the course of nature is regular and uniform, their whole faith totters, and falls to ruin. But being taught, by more reflection, that this very regularity and uniformity is the strongest proof of design and of a supreme intelligence, they return to that belief, which they had deserted; and they are now able to establish it on a firmer and more durable foundation. 3
> 付録:引用元付録:引用元
I had rather believe all the Fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, then that this universal Frame, is without a Mind. And therefore, God never wrought Miracle, to convince Atheism, because his Ordinary Works convince it. It is true, that a little Philosophy inclineth Man’s Mind to Atheism; But depth in Philosophy, bringeth Men’s Minds about to Religion. 4
> 参考資料参考資料
- Henry M. Morris, Men of Science, Men of God (Master Books, 1988)
- “Quote Origin: A Little Philosophy Inclineth Mans Mind to Atheism; But Depth in Philosophy, Bringeth Mens Minds about to Religion,” Quote Investigator, 25 Aug 2018
写真:National Portrait Gallery(パブリックドメイン)
> 脚注脚注
Henry M. Morris, Men of Science, Men of God (Master Books, 1988) ↩
“Quote Origin: A Little Philosophy Inclineth Mans Mind to Atheism; But Depth in Philosophy, Bringeth Mens Minds about to Religion,” Quote Investigator, 25 Aug 2018 ↩
“Quote Origin: A Little Philosophy Inclineth Mans Mind to Atheism; But Depth in Philosophy, Bringeth Mens Minds about to Religion,” Quote Investigator, 25 Aug 2018 ↩
Francis Bacon, The Essayes Or Covnsels, Civill and Morall, 1625 ↩