

1871年に来日し、静岡学問所の英語教師に赴任した米国人エドワード・クラークは、幕末の幕臣、勝海舟(勝安房守)と友好関係にあった。クラークは帰国後、『Katz Awa, “the Bismarck of Japan”(勝安房・日本のビスマルク)』という著書で、勝のことを次のように記している。

ー 守部喜雅『勝海舟 最期の告白: 聖書を読んだサムライたち』(フォレストブックス、2011年)p. 104~105

When my good friend, Rev. Geo. C. Needham, went on an evangelistic tour through Japan a few years ago, I wrote him that I wanted him to go and see Katz Awa, in the quiet of that modest home, where so many noteworthy personages had called, whether they came to kill or to save. I sent Mr. Needham a letter of introduction, and he promptly called, attended by a native pastor as interpreter. Katz Awa read the letter and received his religious visitors graciously. For an hour or more he listened to the truths of the Gospel as presented by Mr. Needham. The interview, though brief like that between Philip and the eunuch, was (as may be seen by a letter following) equally effective. At the close Mr. Needham, with some hesitation, asked Katz Awa if he would kneel in prayer. Katz immediately consented, the prayer being interpreted, sentence by sentence, by the native pastor. As they rose from their knees Katz stood with moistened eyes, and, grasping the evangelist’s hand, thanked him, in a subdued voice, for the greatest privilege of his life. Japanese rarely show emotion, and the man, who in this very place had fearlessly faced would-be assassins, was conquered by the simple story of the Cross. The truth once seen was recognized as the power of God unto salvation.
ー Edward Clark, Katz Awa “the Bismarck of Japan” Story of a Noble Life


ー 守部喜雅『勝海舟 最期の告白: 聖書を読んだサムライたち』(フォレストブックス、2011年)p. 106

A week or two before Count Katz Awa’s death, my brother heard from his lips a clear confession of personal belief in Christ. It gladdened our hearts, although we all felt he was not at any time far from the Kingdom.
ー Edward Clark, Katz Awa “the Bismarck of Japan” Story of a Noble Life


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